Event Calendar
Have Reservations? Oil, Gas and Other Minerals in a TX Contract
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
To educate the real estate professional in the intricacies of the farm and ranch sector of Texas real estate to avoid pitfalls, transactional issues, and to better serve their clients and customers.. Provider #1 Provider: Texas REALTORS® Course: ...
Commercial Sales Contract 101
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This course provides students with an understanding of the important issues and clauses common to all commercial sales contracts. It then focuses on the Commercial sales contracts provided by TAR for Improved and Unimproved property transactions, with ...
Accelerate Success Marketing Small Apartments in Texas
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Get ready to embark on a transformative journey with Ginger Unger, CCIM, in “Accelerate Success: Mastering Small Apartment Complexes in Texas – Investment and Marketing Mastery!” This dynamic class is your gateway to unlocking the secrets of successful ...